Monday, September 3, 2012

Schools of criticism

Reading through the schools of criticism, it was easy to determine which ones I was interested in and which ones I am not. 

The psychoanalytical criticism was one that immediately jumped out at me. Psychology was my major in school when I was working on my associates degree, so anything pertaining to that is always going to win favor with me. I like to know what makes people tick and I like to pull out psychoanalytical information from the literature I read. My goal is to eventually become a counselor, so it's extremely important for me to brush up on my psychology studies from time to time. 

The next one that I really was interested in was the Feminist criticism. I really love reading pieces of literature written by feminist authors. I have so much gratitude and respect for these authors who have helped pave the way for my educational liberties. Recently I have read a couple of pieces by Kate Chopin, and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. She is one of those authors who really contributed a lot in this area.

Lastly, one of the criticisms I was interested in was gender studies and queer theory. We live in a time when gender roles are shifting so much and are becoming so widely accepted, too. It is so interesting to read literature from times when it wasn't appropriate or acceptable for men and women to cross-pollinate their gender roles and to compare that to how it is today. Feminine is no longer looked at as being passive and masculine isn't looked at as being domineering. It is interesting to pick out the subtleties, as well as the clear boundaries of the gender roles from old literature.

I really didn't find any of them to be uninteresting. If I had to choose one that I felt least connected with, I would have to say structuralism and semiotics. All of these were interesting though and it was a good refresher course to go back and read through these.

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