Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Self

When I think of the self, I think about what distinguishes one person from another.  We know that our different experiences and “interpellations” cause us to see through different lenses. I think this is where textuality comes in as well. Although I don’t have a complete comprehension of textuality yet, I do know that it deals with the interpretation and word placement in a text.  That is one of the great things about literature. You can see it in a way that makes sense to you and that you can relate to.

That brings me to my next thought. Sometimes, the reader really sees parts of themselves in a character from the book they’re reading. This sort of “identification” allows the reader to appreciate the book more, I think. I can remember being around 18 or 19 years old and reading this book called “confessions of a shopaholic.” I completely felt like I was the character in the book. She was a shopaholic in piles of debt, which is exactly how I was at the time, and to top it all off, her name was Becky. How weird is that? Anyway, those are some of my thoughts on the self.  

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